Sunday, July 08, 2007

...ever hear of the expression..."Just humor me on this one."

Humor is a form of coping, as in the different strategies above. Humor can take complex feelings and resolve them into an emotionally acceptable form of coping. I am not going to get into the different styles of humor.

But, instead.

I propose that 'prayer/the act of praying' is a form humor designed by religions as ancient as the species of homo sapien, as a way of coping with the reality of life. Some religions promise that prayer will deliver a person's soul to a godly afterlife.

Prayer is a way of expression as well as a discipline. It takes forms and carries with it many human characteristics. I've never heard anyone ever say how animals pray. It's a human characteristic. I consider it a 'solice.'

Prayer 'humors' people through issues beyond their 'average/normal/usual' ability to cope.

Do I think prayer is a waste of time/energy? That isn't for me to say. I don't define it, I simply seek to contextualize it in a manner that is conducive to a political discussion. Needless to say, the subject does not belong in government. I've never heard of God being political.