Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Livestock Farmers Urged To Prepare For Severe Weather

December 10, 2007
Owasso, Oklahoma
Photographer states :: Ice Storm Pictures from Owasso, Oklahoma

There is permanent damage done to all these glorious trees. They won't recover easily from this damage and come spring may have significantly more damage that will result in their removal.
This is Human Induced Global Warming. It is completely and unequivocally obvious.

The 'air' is cold enough by 'season' and the very ice still remaining in the region to maintain the heavy ice on the burdened trees, but yet, the road and drive way are completely melted of any residual ice, there is no ice on the mailboxes or the truck. The surface is hotter than the air.
Completely obvious what occurred here.

It was a heat transfer system that came from the Equator that met with frigid Arctic air as well as cooler seasonal climatic air. As it passed over land masses it showered ice and snow due to the higher water vapor of th equator mixed with frigid air and when finished has cooled the troposphere's gaseous content, but, has done little to resolve the continued and chronic heating under the dense layer of carbon dioxide produced by human activity. This will continue until polar caps are destroyed and the tropics are dry and unable to sustain the very biotic nature that produces the vital water vapor for this process.