Wednesday, December 12, 2007

December 9, 2007
Isla de Mouro, Spain

"Their light is situated to 38.7 m. above sea level."

December 9, 2007
Isla de Mouro, Spain

Photographer states :: After a long week of storms, large waves and hardly winds, today the waves reached the 7-8 meters of height. On the Lighthouse of Mouro the large waves struck all day. With sun or without him; other times rain or cloudy.I remained 3 or 4 hours carrying out photos. The phenomenon of "the refraction of the light" upon impacting the sun on the foam of the waves provides ephemeral Rainbow. WIND information:

December 9, 2007
Isla de Mouro, Spain

There is no ice, just huge turbulence at the eastern edge of the Atlantic Ocean. This isn't normal in case anyone didn't investigate that possibilty. The author of the note that accompanies the picture is translated into English to reach folks that evidently should have their attentions directed to this unusal event.