March 15, 2007
New unreleased e-mails from top administration officials show that the idea of firing all 93 U.S. attorneys was raised by White House Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove in early January 2005, indicating Rove was more involved in the plan than the White House previously acknowledged. The e-mails also show how Alberto Gonzales discussed the idea of firing the attorneys en masse while he was still White House counsel -- weeks before he was confirmed as attorney general....
New unreleased e-mails from top administration officials show that the idea of firing all 93 U.S. attorneys was raised by White House Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove in early January 2005, indicating Rove was more involved in the plan than the White House previously acknowledged. The e-mails also show how Alberto Gonzales discussed the idea of firing the attorneys en masse while he was still White House counsel -- weeks before he was confirmed as attorney general....
What is this really? An incompetent Attorney General? Yeah, sure. But, in that, is it more?
In testimony, a White House Aid involved with the firing and hiring of US Attornys stated, "...If someone wanted to volunteer their involvement in a religion it was not overlook...."
The Bush/Cheney White House premeditatedly aimed for the replacement of all US Attorneys in the name of political volleys. The ONLY reason this level of deceit and control ensues is for establishing a political base for the Republicans that they can only access to defeat Democratic opponents in ANY election. If the Right Wing Christians can BE ASSURED their religious agenda is guaranted to be 'the law of the land,' the political capital that comes with that is insured to the candidate that will sell their souls for elected office.
Bush/Cheney took their 'powers' to a level of opposition to the US Constitution and the Laws of the Land of the USA, to pander to ONE religious entity in this country. The Evangelicals of the USA have absolutely NO RIGHT to dictate the outcomes of lives to anyone, not even their own if they choose to leave the religion and seek other means of spirituality. But, if this continues in the USA there will be laws that will direct nothing but fundamentalism and with that the weakening of all aspects of the US Constitution.
The US Constitution was founded on the concept all people were equal. It was founded on 'Freedom of Religion' with the founders having left the religious oppression of Throne and Church of England behind.
How often in any newsprint in the USA do you read about the beliefs by Jewish leaders regarding science, the freedom of women to choose and the rights of homosexuals to lead equally dignified lives? Never. I have yet to read in any major paper in this country the permission that comes from Jewish Women leadership to have abortions without the burden of conscience. Never in any major paper in Op-Eds such as this do I read the belief in science the Jewish faith allows and encourages. Never do I hear any promotion of any aspect of any faith that BELIEVES differently than the moronic and mundane beliefs of the Evangelical Religious Right that feel they have the obligation to take this country in a direction AWAY FROM democracy, individual rights, self-determined morality and control of their own minds and bodies?
The Op-Ed below is a pandering to a political body that is adverse to the best interest of Americans. It needs to be met at every turn with equal and opposite views whenever it appears. This is an outrage and I REFUSE to be victimized by these idiots one more day. It is an attack against my rights and the very Constitution that governs the USA and I am sick of it !
Without this political pandering the Republican Party is NOTHING. And leave it to the flunky executives of Bush and Cheney to find a 'sect' of American life that can deliver 30% of any Republican election. This sect of Republicans are corrupt, self-righteous, SCULPTED, use political power in adverse ways that threaten the very lives of Americans and carry with them innately in their character, lassitude to be molded by the political will of a minority of self-righteous religious bigots that believe they and only they have the answer to all of mankinds maladies, when in FACT, they have caused most of them in allegience to the Bush/Cheney administration while allowing these men to hide from the truth while weilding power to benefit themselves and cronies. For all the "W"rong doings of the Bush/Cheney White House the Religous Right did not and does not dare lift a 'TRUTHFUL" finger in opposition in fear of losing their political base.
The Evangelical Right Wing is the MOST corrupted 'sect' in the USA that lends legitimacy to corruption and clout to lies! They are Anti-Constitutionalists, Anti-Science and Anti-Woman. They need to be seen for what they are, in any other country if a religious sect was as oppressive of freedom of any kind such as they are, they would be ridiculed and scorned for their primitive culture and overt bigotry of all others.