Saturday, November 24, 2007

The 'idea' science can rest on the concept that God is omnipotent and society needs only believe in 'pure thought' to a savior is destined to fail.

Op-Ed Contributor (link at title)
Taking Science on Faith

...In other words, the laws should have an explanation from within the universe and not involve appealing to an external agency. The specifics of that explanation are a matter for future research. But until science comes up with a testable theory of the laws of the universe, its claim to be free of faith is manifestly bogus.

This analogy between science and God is grossly flawed. What does 'man made religion' have to offer as proof?

Nothing. Only the 'feeling' of a presence maked by the flow of endorphins and adrenalin.

What does science have to offer as proof? Theorem, the null hypothesis and laws. There is no Law of God. There is only law of man-made religions ! This has got to be one of the most stupid Op-Eds I ever read in my life laced full of the bigotry of Christianity. I swear The New York Times will give any idiot a forum.

In order for the USA to establish the 'right to freedom' for all it's citizens, it cannot and should not engage in laws laced with religious dogma such as banning abortions and turning away Gay Couples from marriage. This editorial is disgraceful and attempts to lead a 'high handed' discussion on Intelligent Design and the demand that God controls the outcome of humans.

Humans control their own outcome. I don't recall ever being branded a 'child' unable to think, discover and make decisions. Christians need to grow up and not just carry guns in fear of their own flawed existence.