This image made from a Web cam on board the MS Nordnorge shows the cruise ship Explorer listing in Antarctic waters on Friday.
Hardly any sea ice, which speaks eons to melting. Virtually no white caps, which validates a homongenized air mass. The inspection records of the ship need to be reviewed and weather conditions at the time. Was there a potential for sabotage?
Swift ocean currents still apply. The currents, once established, aren't necessitated to have white cap waves unless the velocity of the water exceeds that of molecular cohesion in surface tension. As a matter of fact the listing and stagnation of movement in the water has caused a 'wave' on the far side of the ship in this picture. That dictates high velocity water passing the ship. It could have easily been struck by an iceberg traveling at high speeds in the water. Speeds, that once realized, are strong enough to puncture the hule of a ship such as the MS Nordnorge creates an entirely different picture of Antarctica. The 'runoff' from the continent must be increasing to cause this change in velocity. The change in the height of the water alone, in this picture where the ship interrupts it's current is significant. More than interesting.
This occurred at the tip of the Peninsula. This is The East Wind Drift. The current closest to the Antarctica Continent which would receive the "melt water" first.
I just think there are also other questions to ask as well.