Afghan President Hamid Karzai called on 10 Muslim-majority nations gathered in Herat to work together to end terrorism, which he said is tarnishing Islam, and boost their economies.
The Executive Branch has completely abandoned allies, leaving only a contingency of US troops with NATO. That abandonment directly caused the agility of the Taliban and al Qaeda in Pakistan resulting in bombings in Madrid and London and the return to terrorist networks funded by opium crops at the compliments of warlords to Afghanistan..
Afghan president urges region to fight terror, poverty (click here)
1 day ago
HERAT, AFGHANISTAN (AFP) — Afghan President Hamid Karzai called on 10 Muslim-majority nations gathered here to work together to end terrorism, which he said is tarnishing Islam, and boost their economies.
Karzai was addressing a meeting of foreign ministers and senior officials from nations in the Economic Cooperation Organisation (ECO), a grouping of Central Asian states and regional heavyweights Iran, Pakistan and Turkey.
"Terrorism, poverty, organised crime, economic problems and corruption are among significant obstacles to development and our regional cooperation," the president told about 100 delegates meeting in the western city of Herat.
"We, the Muslims, must show the true image of Islam to the world and this will be impossible unless we eliminate terrorists whereever they are and fight them collectively," he said....
US Military walking among opium poppies after close call with suicide bomber. Of course NATO and the Brits are attempting to take care of the matter in Afghanistan as the incompetency of the USA just DID NOT want to be bothered with such trivial matters as actually eradicating al Qaeda.
It would seem the poverty left by the USA has so concerned the Gulf nations, THEY are taking up the rehabilitation of the Poppy Culture to destabilize terrorists and increase the CHANCES that Karzai's Afghanistan can survive.
Support urged for Afghan poppy initiative (click here)
Published: Sunday, 21 October, 2007, 01:59 AM Doha Time
A poppy field being destroyed. (INSET) Norine MacDonald...lead field researcherBy Sarmad Qazi QATAR and other Middle Eastern countries can extend support to war-torn Afghanistan by helping to regulate the cultivation of poppy for the production of medicines, according to Norine MacDonald, president and founder of Senlis Council, a security and development policy group. “The United States’ attempts to eradicate poppy cultivation - be it manual, mechanical or chemical - in Aghanistan have become a futile exercise since 2003, resulting in more cultivation,” said MacDonald, who has been working as a lead field researcher in the Senlis unit in Afghanistan for the last three years. Some 15,300 hectares of poppy were destroyed in Afghanistan in 2006, but cultivation increased by 59% and opium production by 49% compared to 2005. In 2007, a total of 19,047 hectares were destroyed but again there was an increase of 17% in cultivation....