House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of Calif., right, meets with Dara Wilkerson and her daughter Bethany, 2, of Tampa, Fla., on Capitol Hill in Washington, Wednesday, Bethany who was born with a serious heart condition and relies on State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) for her health coverage.
...How did President Bush hold off attempts by the Democrat-run House to override his veto of a popular children's health-insurance bill? He called it a foot in the door to "government-run health care."
He says that like it's a bad thing. In fact, as the Breaux anecdote illustrates, the public has been very supportive of Medicare for the elderly, Medicaid for the poor and the State Children's Health Insurance Program, or SCHIP, for children whose family income is too high for Medicaid but too low to afford private coverage. Nevertheless, the president and his allies are reduced to reminding people that, "Pssst, it's government health care so you're supposed to be afraid of it."
That argument failed to prevent Congress from passing a bill to expand SCHIP by about 3.4 million children to cover 10 million. A healthy majority of lawmakers refused to believe that key Republican backers of the bill like Sen. Charles Grassley of Iowa and Orrin Hatch of Utah somehow had become socialists....
George Walker Bush PERSONALLY played politics with the lives of the children in the USA. He alone signed the veto to S-Chip as a measure to maintain whatever is left of his extremist conservative network. Playing politics with human life as the ONLY member of the USA federal government to defeat this bill, is imposing the political will of an extremist on the lives of American children. He needs to impeached. Can be there a doubt?
The American Health Insurance industry has failed the people of the USA miserably. Children have never been more at danger of poor health insurance and the whims of CEOs that seek profits over their obligations. There has been NO EFFORT by the Executive Branch to bring to justice CEOs of health insurance companies that have been proven by testimony of their own employees to cause the death of those they were supposed to protect. The reason for those unnecessary deaths was to reap unreasonable profits at the expense of our nation, it's populous and the families and fiscal well being of those families. What the health insurance companies have done is not only cause deaths unnecessarily but put the burden of those negligent decisions on the backs of families, states and now the deep concern of the American people.
The issue regarding the lack of compassion over profits by the health insurance companies and the gross negligence of the Executive Branch to pursue justice for those deaths amounts to a huge violation of human rights. The States' Attorney Generals need to pursue the allogations of families facing endangerment of family members and prosecute those insurance companies that have already committed deaths. The 'idea' that a citizen could be endangered of life and limb by a health insurance company after reasonable appeal by their family, amounts to attempted murder and needs to be prosecuted to stop the heinous political indulgences of the federal Executive Branch.