Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Mike has an option to set Gupta straight on Larry King Live tonight. I congratulate all involved for 'growing up.'

CNN didn't get a chance to run an end game around the truth. Congratulations to all, including CNN, it has to be a better place for them to be.

I don't know what can be said to Michael Moore except, "I am sorry for any misunderstanding." When I looked at his sources (Click here), they are all legitimate and credible sources. Michael takes his filmmaking seriously. The subjects alone are daughtingly serious. Columbine. The Illegal War into Iraq. American Insufficient Healthcare INDUSTRY. They are life and death issues. Every one of them. He isn't afraid of the subject and he sure as heck isn't afraid of power brokers that would use all ruthless means possible to destroy his vital message.

I appreciate the fact CNN is 'sticking to their guns' in that they are upholding the integrity of the internet bloggers and providing a forum for some real justice to take place. It's admirable. I think Michael has a real opportunity to turn the corner for Gupta and bring him on board actually.

There is nothing THAT debatable in SICKO. There are numerous testimonies and people severely disaffected. That only begins to address the hardship Americans have suffered considering the change in status in favor of consumers of many complaints against the Healthcare Industry since the film came out. Minimally, a couple had their home saved. There isn't 'that much wrong' with Michael's film. There just isn't. People have died BECAUSE of the industry, the privatization of American healthcare. That can't be overcome in objection by nit-picking numbers. Those facts stand as proof to unconscionable and ruthless profit taking by privatized American healthcare.

The issue with Cuba is mute. It falls just below the USA in it's ability to deliver healthcare to their people. Cuba is a third world country. That is an incredible achievement by Cuba. To expect Cuba to surpass the USA is unrealistic, but, to consider they have nearly accomplished that with their oppressed economy due to draconian American policy is a lot of credit to the people of Cuba and very little credit to the American Healthcare Industry.

Americans DESERVE the best healthcare system available. I don't see it any other way, BECAUSE, the 'privatization' has already had it's chance and they have failed. They have failed nearly every person in this country. Look a person in the eye that has been treated unjustly by the healthcare industry and tell them it's going all be okay if we can simply 'tweek' the system. Go ahead. Look the man in the eye that lost his finger due to the American healthcare system and tell him we only have to 'tweek' the system. Tell the man that died, the young woman, THAT WAS YOUNG WOMAN, that her spreading cancer only needs a tweek here or a tweek there. Go ahead. Tell them. Tell them because some medical journalist that favors taking down Michael Moore's SICKO that Michael is "W"rong. Go ahead. You tell them that, because I am not going to.

I look forward to Michael's second appearance on Larry King Live since SICKO took flight.

Go, Michael, Go !!!!