Tuesday, July 10, 2007

CNN sells virtue, not facts, Michael. They want to keep their advertizers even though cable was supposed to be free of them.

"Just apologize to the American people and to the families of the troops for not doing your job four years ago. We wouldn't be in this war if you had done your job. Come on. Just admit it. Just apologize to the American people." -- Michael Moore, live on The Situation Room

I saw Michael's interveiw and have been 'observing' CNN since the release of the film. There has been a definate assault against the film's message. It is premediated and has one purpose; to set a 'platform' for Republican defeat of any healthcare reform.

I was more than pleased to see Michael on the program defending all of us. The cable stations in the USA at one time thrived for the unusual content they presented and the venue they presented it, namely commercial free. That has grossly changed and they have 'sold out' to corporate interests. All one has to do is watch the advertisers to these programs and realize whom they are pandering to. FOX is no different, if anything it's worse. But, the point is there is little to no interest in their message in the USA.

I was astounded when I left my cozy home to travel and 'get a feel' for the country. I am spending the summer in the Northeast, it has been home to me before. What I could not believe is the absence of the media in the lives of so many here. No one has cable television in the circles I travel. I do now because of the political interest I maintain, but, with friends and their aquintances, educated, learned people with good incomes, they don't 'bother.' It's rather amazing.

They are more interested in what their communities are all about and making them
better places to live than they are interested in the propaganda of the media these days. They blame them for the war, for the country's debt and for the continued threat to the USA in it's war against the demantling of terrorist networks globally. I suppose they are all activists in one way or another, but, I had expected the opposite from these folks. More interested in the politics. Not so. They have found interest in life and love and improving their lives and the people they live with than any other aspect of living. I also believe 'the activists' are becoming more and more common. They are not just me or my friends but acquaintances and their friends and their friends and their friends. It's like the country's best kept secret. It's great.

But why would people turn from media, television?

Because they carry the Bush message and not 'the truth.' Yesterday Tony Snow was given a standing ovation in my living room when he stated the White House was not looking for a way out of Iraq. Every Neocon in the country was calling the New York Times liars. Liars? No. Mislead by White House insiders? More than likely, but, if that was the case than it is an assault on credibility which is a common strategy in this political environment by Bush's cronies. But, more than likely, as is very common with The New York Times, they have the inside track. More than likely, Bush and Cheney are dancing as fast as they can to 'save face' and bring the troops home so the Republican candidate for President of the USA will have all that behind him when the 2008 campaign occurs. But, to address the assault on SICKO, Sanjay Gupta is the last bastion of hope for CNN. They are hoping Gupta will build a power base to which they can increase interest and sell their 'ANGLE.' Be assured, Michael's message reaches more Americans than any cable company could ever hope to reach.

Do you realize how many people came to "Live Earth" on July 7, 2007? Billions. That number is to die for in the case of cable network news. They could never reach billions of people on any good day. A million, if one adds up all the people watching cable news now it's might be a few million in the country AND abroad. And of those, maybe a full one third are simply interested in 'knowing the political spin' that is being pumped out.

I watched the outraged Lou Dobbs after Blitzer finished and I had to laugh at the 'attitude' exuded when they pointed to 'profits' SICKO was making. To die for evidently. But, the Dobbs point was to attempt to discredit Michael in his ability to make profits from the subject of medical care. Dobbs and his bros understand the importance of vast amounts of money and applying that money when it comes to funding liars like Bush, Cheney, Guiliani, McCain and the rest; but, when it comes to someone like Michael and his wholesomeness and decency and the EMPIRE OF THE TRUTH he is building, they want to rip it to shreds.

When a medical professional, such as Sanjay Gupta, stands in opposition to good quality health care for all Americans; whom now have to choose between fingers to be reattached or death in the face of financial demise and worst yet being caused death by CHOICES in determining coverage AT ALL by insurers, then he is 'one of them' and NOT 'one of us.' There is definately an US and THEM here.

Michael is quite right, an apology is the beginning. But, advocating for a single payer system is 'the best game' in town. I am more proud today of 'the roots' of Michael's leadership in this country than ever before. We'll succeed. The people of the USA deserve a country they were handed by their forefathers and the people whom defended this country ever since and we shall have it.

And I thought CNN did edit the interview, but, I could be wrong. I didn't hear the reference to the 'equivalent' to 911 deaths that occur every year in this country at the hand of bad healthcare with that reality multiplied by 14 years since Mrs. Clinton, now Senator Clinton tried to reform 'the profit system.'

Oh, by the way, I thought the response to the Guiliani statement was brilliant. Absolutely billiant. Thank you, Michael. You need to continue to make those films for us, we need to hear 'the truth' from somebody and you do it so very, very well.