This 'type' of satellite can diagnose water vapor of the 'eye' when it is at lower tropospheric levels than normally detected by current radar. At least I think it can. At any rate, to understand these modern day monsters there has to be an incorporation of heat dynamics and water vapor at all altitudes, or as many as reasonably possible.
Even if the 'eye' is at lower tropospheric levels this technology can pick up it's hydrology. I hope I am making myself clear.
All these 'advantages' need to be incorporated into understanding the dynamics of these storms. I sincerely believe "Andrea" and past history of 2006 and 2005 would reveal a conversation at NASA and the Hurricane Center that these storms are being grossly underestimated in their dynamics because both these agencies and NOAA have remained equally grossly underfunded. This statement because there is CHRONIC 'culture' issues within these government departments as poiticians find them to their advantage to 'spin' a 'people sense.' NASA/NOAA have 'had' such sophisticated science that when they started their manned space launches it was a 'manfesto' if you will that they maintain a level of 'public' awareness to garner fiscal support for their programs. THAT aspect of their existance is a lot of temptation for politicians. So depending on whom holds the purse strings the direction of these brillant people and their projects can be politically and "W"rongfully manipulated. Needless to say the technology we need today should have been 'in the works' long before it was needed.
I have no financial interest in this, I don't own stock anywhere or employed by any of these agencies, I am simply a concerned American that wants people and property to be spared hardship. Just that simple.