May 25, 2007
Water Vapor 'Density' Satellite from UNISYS
This in comparison to the one below is markedly more accurate in depicting the dynamics of the Atlantic vortex as well as the equatorial 'heat' dynamics with a northernly migrating sun. This vortex is the same vortex that appeared last week as a chronic manifestation at lower latitudes. It may 'act' in the same way as "Andrea" in it's bomerang 'type' behavior. Forming at higher latitudes, seeking higher concentrations of water vapor near shore and migrating south to accommodate the 'physics' of heat transfer. By that I mean the vortex will act in as high a dynamics that it's hydrology dictates given the need of the troposphere to distribute heat to the oceans so long as the water vapor in the troposphere no matter it occurs allows it. Earth will attempt to remain hydratically stable in it's tropospheric mix as it always have with each hurricane season providing a static biotic balance. The issue is the warmer oceans no longer cooled in large measure by melting ice will 'react' with tropospheric vortices in a way not previously observed. The satellites have to be 'managed/improved' to reveal the dynamics at all levels if and when possible. I believe there are other satellites used before by NASA to 'photograph' a hurricane in three dimension and these are usually presented in a later temporal presentation to greater understand the hurricane 'in study.' It would be better if that 3D 'type' of satellite were available to forecasters with necessary instruction to completely realize the unfolding dynamics of these storms. I'll see if I can find one.