Feeling that the future peace of the world would depend upon relations between the United States and Russia, he (FDR) devoted much thought to the planning of a United Nations, in which, he hoped, international difficulties could be settled.
George is conducting the war for his brother Jeb to come on and continue it. If that happens expect a draft with a new Republican president. They are so corrupt it's ridiculous already. No bid contracts to family businesses and cronies. America doesn't need it. It needs new leadership with vision and promise.
Pump bid for New Orleans may have been rigged.
When the Army Corps of Engineers solicited bids for drainage pumps for New Orleans, “it copied the specifications — typos and all — from the catalog of the manufacturer that ultimately won the $32 million contract.” That manufacturer: MWI. “MWI employed former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, President George W. Bush’s brother, to market its pumps during the 1980s, and top MWI officials have been major contributors to the Republican Party.”
When the Army Corps of Engineers solicited bids for drainage pumps for New Orleans, “it copied the specifications — typos and all — from the catalog of the manufacturer that ultimately won the $32 million contract.” That manufacturer: MWI. “MWI employed former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, President George W. Bush’s brother, to market its pumps during the 1980s, and top MWI officials have been major contributors to the Republican Party.”