Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Don't let them change a word !!!!! Unless of course if it's for tougher regulation. This legislation has to be accompanied with legislation to rebuild our transportation and energy infrastructure. We have an opportunity before us. We can change the future for our children and provide them with state of the art life styles. The international conferences being conducted helps to enforce these standards and move the USA toward ZERO emissions. We need to continue to support our allies and their insistance on change in the USA. It's vital to everyone's survival.

This is from HR 1590

`Not later than 2 years after the date of enactment of this section, the Administrator shall promulgate annual emission reduction targets for each calendar year beginning in 2010 and ending in 2050, as follows:

`(1) In 2010, the quantity of United States greenhouse gas emissions shall not exceed the quantity of United States greenhouse gases projected to be emitted in 2009.

`(2) Beginning in 2011, the quantity of United States greenhouse gas emissions shall be reduced by approximately 2 percent each year, such that the quantity of such emissions in 2020 does not exceed the quantity of United States greenhouse gases emitted in 1990.

`(3) Beginning in 2021, the quantity of United States greenhouse gas emissions shall be reduced by approximately 5 percent each year, such that the quantity of such emissions in 2050 does not exceed 20 percent of the quantity of United States greenhouse gases emitted in 1990.

This is the Senate bill S. 309. Write to your federal Senators, House Representatives to pass these bills and don't stop writing. Write to your Governors demanding they adoption tough legislation on carbon dioxide emissions. Now is the time:


`(a) Emission Reduction Goal- Congress declares that--

`(1) it shall be the goal of the United States, acting in concert with other countries that emit global warming pollutants, to achieve a reduction in global warming pollution emissions--

`(A) to ensure that the average global temperature does not increase by more than 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit (2 degrees Celsius); and

`(B) to facilitate the achievement of an average global atmospheric concentration of global warming pollutants that does not exceed 450 parts per million in carbon dioxide equivalent; and

`(2) in order to achieve the goal described in paragraph (1), the United States shall reduce the global warming pollution emissions of the United States by a quantity that is proportional to the share of the United States of the reductions that are necessary--

`(A) to ensure that the average global temperature does not increase more than 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit (2 degrees Celsius); and

`(B) to stabilize average global warming pollution concentrations globally at or below 450 parts per million in carbon dioxide equivalent.

`(b) Emission Reduction Milestones for 2020-

`(1) IN GENERAL- To achieve the goal described in subsection (a)(1), not later than 2 years after the date of enactment of this title, after an opportunity for public notice and comment, the Administrator shall promulgate any rules that are necessary to reduce, by not later than January 1, 2020, the aggregate net levels of global warming pollution emissions of the United States to the aggregate net level of those global warming pollution emissions during calendar year 1990.

`(2) ACHIEVEMENT OF MILESTONES- To the maximum extent practicable, the reductions described in paragraph (1) shall be achieved through an annual reduction in the aggregate net level of global warming pollution emissions of the United States of approximately 2 percent for each of calendar years 2010 through 2020.

`(c) Emission Reduction Milestones for 2030, 2040, and 2050- Except as described in subsection (d), not later than January 1, 2018, after an opportunity for public notice and comment, the Administrator shall promulgate any rules that are necessary to reduce the aggregate net levels of global warming pollution emissions of the United States--

`(1) by calendar year 2030, by 1/3 of 80 percent of the aggregate net level of global warming pollution emissions of the United States during calendar year 1990;

`(2) by calendar year 2040, by 2/3 of 80 percent of the aggregate net level of the global warming pollution emissions of the United States during calendar year 1990; and

`(3) by calendar year 2050, by 80 percent of the aggregate net level of global warming pollution emissions of the United States during calendar year 1990.

`(d) Accelerated Emission Reduction Milestones- If an NAS report determines that any of the events described in section 705(a)(2) have occurred, or are more likely than not to occur in the foreseeable future, not later than 2 years after the date of completion of the NAS report, the Administrator, after an opportunity for public notice and comment and taking into account the new information reported in the NAS report, may adjust the milestones under this section and promulgate any rules that are necessary--

`(1) to reduce the aggregate net levels of global warming pollution emissions from the United States on an accelerated schedule; and

`(2) to minimize the effects of rapid climate change and achieve the goals of this title.

`(e) Report on Achievement of Milestones- If an NAS report determines that a milestone under paragraph (1) or (2) of subsection (c) cannot be achieved because of technological infeasibility, the Administrator shall submit to Congress a notification of that determination.
