Bush is dragging his feet. A lot !
Anyone familiar with "The New Source Review" and not it isn't the latest national talent hunt (click here).
By some remote chance there are a few that might frequent here not familar with the EPA New Source Review (click here), it goes like this:
Congress established the New Source Review (NSR) permitting program as part of the 1977 Clean Air Act Amendments. NSR is a preconstruction permitting program that serves two important purposes.
First, it ensures that air quality is not significantly degraded from the addition of new and modified factories, industrial boilers and power plants. In areas with unhealthy air, NSR assures that new emissions do not slow progress toward cleaner air. In areas with clean air, especially pristine areas like national parks, NSR assures that new emissions do not significantly worsen air quality.
Second, the NSR program assures people that any large new or modified industrial source in their neighborhoods will be as clean as possible, and that advances in pollution control occur concurrently with industrial expansion.
NSR permits are legal documents that the facility owners/operators must abide by. The permit specifies what construction is allowed, what emission limits must be met, and often how the emissions source must be operated.
The public review of carbon dioxide as a Greenhouse Gas was already introduced in the year 2003. I know because I already gave public testimony in Raleigh, North Carolina as a Sierra Club Conservation Chair. I think submitted an extensive written statement by May 1, 2003 after my April 5 minute testimony.
Within two weeks of my May submission George Walker Bush came out stating "There was no such thing as Global Warming and carbon dioxide could never be a toxic gas." I know he read what I wrote because I was solely using the words IN THIS TESTIMONY that carbon dioxide was a toxic gas.
I was so upset about that statement and the backpeddling at Sierra NC that I went to a lawyer and literally wanted to know what I could do, including suing Bush for endangering my life and the lives of Americans in the face of this atrocity. He simply stated, incorporate the people that support that position and organize. So I did and that was the birth of Earth Rescue, Inc.
My testimony is already on file at the EPA. It is dressed up and cleaned up here for the net but there is the beginnings of public comment regarding that issue as far back as 2003 with minimally my testimony. I wasn't going to allow The New Source Review to go by without including carbon dioxide in public comment. Absolutely not. I was monitoring vortices that appeared on October 4, 2002 and there was every indication with the reversal of C Zero in Antarctica that warming was taking it's toll. Legally, the process that was concluded at The USA Supreme Court recently started over four years ago. Bush is why behind the curve. By demanding MORE public hearings he will enlist cronies to dispatch to those hearings and see reason to once again approach The Supreme Court through the Gonzalez Justice Department further delaying any action on Greenhouse Gas legislation which is already written by both the House and Senate. There is absolutely no reason for this delay. The public hearings is simply still another tactic to delay what is desperately needed to stop the deadly patterns in climate and weather we all now face.
Not to say I will avert the hearings. Not at all. They will get more than 20 odd pages of testimony this time and I encourage every scientist whom cares; to please assemble a testimony and personal statement and submit it to any actions open in that regard by the EPA. Thank you.