Thursday, March 08, 2007

Memos Tell Officials How to Discuss Climate

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I hesitated to put this entry on the blog because the other focus on the heat accumulating at the poles would be viewed by some as merely politics. It isn't. The heat accumlation is of real concern and brand new to the monitoring that takes place. It is just circumstantial this is occurring at the same time there is debate regarding Human Induced Global Warming in Alaska.

I don't really consider it a debate either. The citizens involved in the exploitation of oil in Alaska are very unhappy about the prospects of the Threatened/Endangered status of Polar Bears. There is no debate, the science is very clear and has been established since the beginning of time. Polar Bears live on sea ice. There isn't anything else to say.

When the sea ice disappears these animals disappear. The most hideous question that came out of the public hearings regarding the classification of Threatened/Endangered to the name Polar Bear, a marine mammal, went like this : "What if saving the sea ice doesn't save the Polar Bear ?"


Where does that level of moronity come from? Do those speaking to allow the demise of Polar Bears to benefit oil exploitation actually think they add dignity to their argument by making those kind of statements? I am here to tell you they do not. They only prove how desperate their measures are.

Why would saving the sea ice NOT save the Polar Bears? The only reason that would occur is if the Polar Bears were genetically defective and unable to reproduce. We know that is not true. These animals are starving (see below). Starving is NOT genetically based and it would be a waste of precious scientific assets to even explore that idea. If there were genetic issues of viability with Polar Bears, scientists would have 'gone there' a long time ago. The picture below is profound. It shows a Polar Bear within it's habitat starving to death, losing all it's body mass/fat that protects it from the frigid waters of the Arctic Ocean. This Polar Bear, whom is probably dead since this picture, is standing where? On land? No. On sea ice.

The debate against the classification of Polar Bears as threatened/endangered is hideous and all those presenting any of it need to be ashamed for their desperation. Alaska has known for a long time that Human Induced Global Warming was an issue on Earth and particularly with the USA as the largest emitter of the deadly carbon dioxide levels now present in the troposphere. The USA alone has caused the struggle for survival currently being conducted on Earth of every species including humans. The USA is directly responsible for this catastrophic destruction of Earth's biota. It is responsible by emitting the largest and growing carbon dioxide load to the planet and it is responsible for 'outsourcing/exporting' carbon dioxide polluting economies.

The listing of Polar Bears as threatened or endangered is scientifically correct and needed for the survival of this species. There are areas of the habitat where Polar Bears are actually endangered and some areas where they are threatened. I believe the lesser option has been taken to begin a process that will hopefully roll back the most endangered of the habitat. They really should be listed as endangered for the 'habitat areas' where that is true.

It is time for the people of the USA to take ownership for it's very bad habits.