Saturday, December 16, 2006

The people of the USA know their own will?

Have Shadow Governments existed before? Of course, they have. They 'sorta' exist in every political party? Candidates? Planks to a platform. They are all part of a 'wannabee' agenda for the people of the USA.


Are they 'wannbe' exploitation of the power granted them by mistake of people mislead in the USA.

Have there been other Shadow Governments in other countries?


It there one in Iraq?


Loaded question?

There is felt in some circles the USA is a Shadow Government to the Iraqi people.

The shadow Iraqi government (click on here)

By Pepe Escobar

The ideal White House/Pentagon script for Iraq calls for a pro-American government, total control of at least 12% of the world's known oil reserves and 14 military bases to make it happen. Reality has been churning up other ideas.

Whenever there is a so-called "transfer of power" in Mesopotamia, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, like clockwork, steps on a plane to Baghdad. On his latest trip designed to issue orders for the new, supposedly sovereign Iraqi government, Rumsfeld, in a splendid Freudian slip, let it be known on the record the US "does not have an exit strategy" in Iraq: only a "victory strategy". This is code for "we're not going anywhere".

Reality had intervened two days before Rumsfeld arrived, when about 300,000 Shi'ite nationalists occupied the same Firdaws Square of "liberation day", April 9, 2003, but this time with no Saddam-toppling photo-op intent. Their messages were clear: out with the occupation; and Bush equals Saddam Hussein.


Who were those people in Firdaws Square of 'liberation day", April 9, 2003?

The USA invasion was March 19-20, 2003.

Who were these people?

More than that.

Where did they go?

I think I might know.