Saturday, December 16, 2006

Were these men a shadow government? Did they make up rules? Did they live by them?

They commanded attention by millions. They were loved in this country. They entertained us and brought wider horizons to our lives. They gave us social rules to interact with in areas not necessarily familiar.

Do entertainers today. Documentarians. Does J. Leno provide social engagement that softens the political reality we are guided by, abide by? The Daily Show. Bill Maher. The list is long and distinguished.

Do we live in a society of shadow governments? With the overwhelming Democratic vote this November did we just displace one. One that was sanctioned by the administration in 'power' and 'control.' For the chronic disapproval of Bush's job ratings, always below any fifty percent of the populous except a terrified electorate, was he not in control with a crony House and Senate actually of a shadow government?
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