Friday, November 17, 2006

November 15, 2006

Brickell Avenue Bridge, Miami, Florida

Title by Photographer :: Urban Archer

Lots and lots of construction cranes in Miami, Florida, huh? Interesting. I saw an ad recently to benefit the Florida Gulf Coast Islands. It would be nice if some construction efforts and advertising were going into the Louisiana Gulf Coast as well. I don't believe the Ninth Ward has been excavated yet, right?

This type of architectural art is not uncommon to our democracy. If one has the opportunity to visit our nation's capital they will find this type of art all over DC. Even under the Capital Dome. It is 'Greek-Roman' in nature. It is a historical connection to successful, powerful democracies. Those historical democracies did not believe in monotheism so there is no religious connection at all.

As a matter of fact, the archers were one of the most powerful weapons in battle next to the horse and even then sometimes greater than a horse. It is why in Midieval times armor became a metallurgy achievement and draft horses were the greatest weapon a knight could have. Between his armor, chain mail and that of his steed they could be considered indestructable.

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