Saturday, December 03, 2005

This is a continued comparison of the two wars.

This is now a look at years, four years to be exact of Iraq compared to Vietnam. Representative Murtha, a dedicated former marine frequents the military hospitals and notes the young soldiers returning with maimed and disabling injuries in the prime of their lives without complaints. He sees the numbers escalating and he knows our presence in Iraq is due to be reduced as the war is making no headway on the path this president has set. 2005 is the third year we are in Iraq, the first started March of 2003. This graph shows the end of 2005 as we enter 2006 and the good Congressman is looking at an escalating war dead if history repeats itself as it seems to be doing already. The soldier of Vietnam did not have body armor. If they had they would be coming home maimed more often than dead as well.

It was Representative Murtha's responsiblity to come forward with his concerns. When he did it was to the American people which lends itself to speculation that the doors of the Oval Office are closed to him as an avenue of influence as he sees necessary.

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