Any and all information used by the USA authorities in this instance is competely based on information regarding the 'snap shot' of the Atlantic Ocean. These agencies are limited by the government in it's funding of programs to understand Global Warming and Climate Change. The USA is limited to restrictions of concern to the USA in this area.
"The Atlantic Basin is in the active phase of a multi-decadal cycle in which optimal conditions in the ocean and atmosphere, including warmer-than-average sea-surface temperatures and low wind shear, enhance hurricane activity. This increase in the number and intensity of tropical storms and hurricanes can span multiple decades (approximately 20 to 30 years). NOAA will make its official 2006 season forecast in May, prior to the June 1st start to the season."
The information here is limited to 'immediate WEATHER' conditions and mentions nothing about the rising temperatures globally of the oceans.
A stringent pier review by International Scientists needs to follow with tough recommendations to impove the performance of the USA agencies. There is a current history extending minimally to 2002 that The National Hurrican Center, The National Weather Service and NOAA have been manipulative in their reporting of the FACTS regarding Global Warming and Climate Change. They exhibit a real indignation to the well being of other populous of the world and what they are experiencing.
When NOAA states they are natural cycles they never discuss the 'survivability' of them and when exactly this GLOBAL DYNAMICS played out under record setting carbon dioxide load of 650,000 years.
There 'bliss' and statements disregarding the dangers to Earth and it's Ice Reserves with ever encroaching 'point of no return' is a human rights violation and nothing short of it. The USA is not alone in survival on Earth and it is of extreme concern for the disregard of other worldwide scientific findings that make this Climate unique and very dangerous.
650,000 years ago there were no humans on Earth. The USA government scientific community has become a travesty.