Monday, October 17, 2005

Miles O'Brien can go straight to hell !!

Down the street from my house is a patrol car with a police officer well armed as well. They call it law enforcement. I haven't noted any humvees YET !!

You will not make light of the fact Iraq is oppressed under an illegal occupation.

Jerks !!

Evidently, American Serviceman Barrett Stephens believes his role was noble in acting the way he did while he was in Iraq. He further states his reality back home after Katrina is far more harsh than Iraq ever could be. Really? Does he wear a bullet proof vest in the USA? I didn't think so. And while there is complete devastation in many areas along the Gulf Coast it wasn't attained by war. It was attained by the very USA administration that placed Mr. Stephens in Iraq. The United States government believes in carbon dioxide emissions instead of protections of the biosphere.

The dicotomy of Mr. Stephes speaks eons to realize the 'rationalization' that goes along with the instillation of Halliburton over what could have been a peaceful transition brought to reality with the productive role of the USA in cooperation with the United Nations. That would have and could have occurred under UN Resolutions IF the goal were ONLY to remove Saddam Hussein from his dictatorship and allow the Iraqi people to grow a democracy.


Was never the agenda of the USA Coaliton invasion nor is it today realizing the head of the Oil Ministry is headed by a man wanted in Jordan and the USA. How does Mr. Stephen feel about providing protection of The Green Zone knowing the Iraq Minister of Oil, Mr. Chalibi is wanted in the USA for crimes?

The entire situation the USA military finds itself these days is insane due to the high level of corruption of the USA Republican administration.

Mr. Stephens is a citizen we in the USA value and welcome him home. I hope his assimilation back to the USA includes the reality of all of us and not just that which separates The Military Class away from the country. A dangerous place by the way for military personnel to be.