Friday, July 08, 2005

July 8, 2005. The dynamics of "Dennis" is that it will follow a path that will bring it to Cat Five. It is being harassed and corraled into a path leading to it's enhancement of a vortex flow off the Arctic. The system is highly volitile and it is my estimte "Dennis" is more an eddy to that vortex flow than a traditional hurricane. Do you see it? "Dennis" is at the 'curl' of that vortex flow. As the vortex flow creates a straighter line between it and "Dennis" velocity will pick up and the 'tract' to land will be more obvious. A Model Computer Track would be able to be a better predictor than 'eyeballing' it as I am left with. These 'eddies' love water and it is my worst case scenario that "Dennis" will cause a great deal of damage as it skirts the land areas with velocity at Cat Five. That land area would include the entire west coast of Florida. GET OUT OF THE WAY. These eddies are too volitile to play games with, it has a path from the tip of Florida to Mexico depending on the velocity of the movement of the vortex flow.