Saturday, March 12, 2005

'I Have a Nightmare'

Mr. Kristof has a nightmare and all of a sudden the landscape of the nation's environmental movement is supposed to change. Perhaps Mr. Kristof needs Ambien.

conti2005 - 3:25 PM ET March 12, 2005 (#19804 of 19804)
Democrats and Independents Get It RIGHT the FIRST TIME

Take a hike, Nicholas. Literally. Maybe you might want to walk the Smokies with Sierra's Ted Synder.

The Enviromental Groups that exist today are among the greatest people alive. Some are even dead due to their 'alarmed' lives of chronic disrespect leading to acts like lying across railroad tracks to stop trains carrying nuclear waste.

What has happened is valid issues are always shelved for the sake of Oil Tycoons and wrongful Oil Barrons like George Walker Bush.

Perhaps you haven't noticed excpetional legislation that came out of the sixites and the seventies.

What started the movement into conservation and appreciation for health from environmental contaminants including a long needed appreciation for stewardship and ecosystem preservation?

Because you mention a WOMAN nowhere in your editorial. You allude to her but don't directly mention her. She was an alarmist and when her alarm went out she died two years later of breast cancer.

The name is Rachel Carson and the book was "Silent Spring."

You'll excuse me for being rude, Mr. Kristof, but, I think you are trying too hard to be 'Bushian' because you are having trouble with your visas and care to denigrade the very INSTITUTIONS that can save your sorry hiney from Global Warming and Climate Change.

Sierra Club, The Natural Resource Defense Council and others are NOT 'Old Kids on the Block' that need repremanding; they are long established institutions in this country that demand respect. The problem here is as it alwsys was, 'DISRESPECT' because you can't see your own best interest right in front of your face.

The nature of Earth today is very sad indeed, Mr. Kristof. You might want to take stock of how long the planet might actually sustain itself to find if that will be the length of your potential longevity.

Alarming as that sounds.