Wednesday, March 05, 2025

Alito is a political judge that bases his decisions in politics and not the rule of law.

The monies dedicated to foreign aid was legislated. It was legislated by a congress elected by the people. This is not a judicial decision of political ideology in stating the people are paying too many taxes. That is political dogma. There is a separation of powers in this country according to the USA Constitution Alito and the others must abide by. Where in the USA Constitution does it say a Supreme Court judge can change the separation of powers on a whim? Where does it say that?

March 5, 2025
By Jacob Knutson

...Justices Samuel Alito, (click here) Clarence Thomas, Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh dissented to the court denying Trump’s application. Alito, who wrote the dissent, said the court made “a most unfortunate misstep that rewards an act of judicial hubris and imposes a $2 billion penalty on American taxpayers.”...