Thursday, March 20, 2025

The USA has always had it’s wackos.

None made it to the White House before. But, Trump ranks right up there with Koresh, Hale Bop, and Jim Jones. 

Trump is a power broker now. He attracts every other American that has a bad attitude about the idea of justice American style. So, the wealthy and poor alike rally to Trump in order to change their circumstances. They are ideologically motivated in many instances, except, Musk who just wants more and more power because he has been convinced he is the answer to all problems labeled big government. His willingness ( that word is willingness) to dismantle NASA says it all. He is in violation of so many laws it is ridiculous he is still flying around in jets. Musk is not only a security risk, he is a flight risk.

At what point do human beings stop complaining about how unfair life is while living in the greatest country ever conceived?

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