Saturday, March 22, 2025

The Trump DOJ is correct. They are a horror.

Removing security clearances is based in hate. This is a former Vice President and Secretary of State with vital opinions when asked. I find it interesting the hate expressed is leveled at women. 

The Trump DOJ is completely unprofessional and have very bad practices.

They are a cult of personality and distract from the issues at hand by their expressions of hate. There is malpractice everywhere. And then they demand the court answer to them and they don’t answer to the court.

If the Trump DOJ wants a change in venue it can ask for one. Asking for a change in judge is grossly inappropriate and illegal.

Judges are vitally important to our democracy. They are a free standing institution of the USA Constitution. They have spent their lives studying that document to bring justice to Americans. They protect us from wrong doing and crime. They deserve every bit of respect that is expected in any court of law in this country.

I have been in courtrooms in mostly civil matters, but, the judge was always respected and the courtroom orderly. It was orderly because we respected the law and the difficult decisions that were to be made.

The courthouse always had law enforcement officers to be sure everyone was safe from high emotions.

I find the Trump DOJ full of hate for Americans, the courts, and those guests here legally that have and are making America great.

If the Trump DOJ believes a ruling is biased, there are appeals courts.

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