Wednesday, February 05, 2025


The list of purchases for the USA sovereign wealth fund is growing. Greenland, Canada, the Gulf of Mexico, and now Gaza. I wonder what the Trump hotel and casino in Gaza will look like? Shrouded in gold probably. I doubt he can surpass the marvel that is Dubai. I hope Trump has Netanyahu’s blessing otherwise we will be dropping bombs on each other.

There isn’t much left to Gaza. Leveling it should not be difficult. So, I guess in leveling it with a stone crusher run over top of it, then adding poured concrete should take care of entombment of any human remains still rotting there.

I think this latest delusion of Trump’s clearly spells out his mental illness. Besides being stupidly delusional he has absolutely no concept of decency or governance.

Trump doesn’t value any life except his own and the grandeur that is suppose to surround his greatness. His subjects have to worship him or die.

There is a truth about national defense as illustrated by the collapse of the Soviet Union. A military has limits. It is why the nuclear capacity of the world far exceeds any rational thought. Leaders of countries capable of producing those heinous weapons (Russia’s hideous weaponry in particular) just keep producing more and more of them as if it is realistic to use them. 

Countries have borders for a reason. There is a limit to every country’s defense. When that limit is reached the borders are established. That has been the case from time beginning. 

The USA has established the greatest military ever to the history of the world. Even when there are mistakes made as with the Osprey this country overcomes them out of sheer will and American loyalty. But, that military under the leadership of idiots can fail. 

Now, delusional Trump’s imagineering sees the world as his oyster. NOT. He needs to be removed from office. He has clearly illustrated he is incapable of leadership of this country.