Friday, February 07, 2025

It is not politics as usual.

That should be plainly obvious. This administration is going to hurt people at the very least. People will die because of Trump’s actions. 

Project 2025’s author is heading OMB, the second most powerful seat in the Executive Branch. The implementation of this hideous and outrageous power grab is very, very obvious and proves THE LIES OF TRUMP to the American people are very, very real.

There is even a virus people have become exposed to that is using human DNA to replicate and doing so advances it’s danger for human to human contact. The vaccine should already be available in mass amounts and it is not. Preventing anymore exposure of this virus to people is paramount.

With Trump’s lies firmly in place it clearly illustrates how that the freedom and rights we enjoy are not guaranteed to us. The rights and freedoms of the USA Constitution must be made plain again with all people of this country guaranteed a happy and prosperous life. 

The right to privacy needs to be more strongly legislated so it cannot be exploited by AI as if it is a necessity. I can better compose without AI. I have never had so many errors to correct with a computer system that is guessing my next word and thought. IT IS MORE THAN ANNOYING!

Everything I need to know to compose my thoughts I learned a long time ago. And guess what? I can write in cursive and read cursive, too. AND it is perfectly legible. As a matter of fact where documents ask me to print my name for clarity, IT ISN’T NECESSARY.