Sunday, January 19, 2025

I think China has it wrong.

 (Click here)

While cargo manufactured in China will be subject to tariffs, the Chinese manufacturing  in Mexico are protected by Canada, Mexico, and U.S.A. Trade Agreements. There is a strong possibility any country including China will have some degree of success if they bring lawsuits as members of The World Trade Organization.

WTO (Click here)

I believe American consumer organizations can also access the WTO rules on tariffs, custom duty rates, especially agricultural commodities protected under “Doha Agenda.” I wouldn’t be surprised if consumer organizations with substantial member numbers such as Sam’s Club, Costco, pharmacies such as CVS or Walgreens, etc. can own independent member status considering the impact they have on global trade so long as there are no national security concerns.

Trump’s tariffs are arrogant in that they are to replace domestic tax structures. The concept alone is illegitimate, in that, domestic taxes are not the responsibility of foreign governments. Transforming domestic taxes into tariffs seems an attack on USA sovereignty from a sitting USA president. I think the concept can be made illegal and litigable at the level of the WTO. Either a global trade organization has control of it’s members to conduct benevolent trade or it doesn’t.

I really think Trump’s bragging about the USA economic engine as leverage over global economic stability can and should be made mute. The lousy bastard can start real wars and not just tariff wars.

The USA was a leader in establishing the WTO. The purpose is obvious, to maintain consistent and fair economic stability for all countries regardless the stage of development. Trade improves quality of life for any peoples. The WTO is one cog in the capacity to bring global peace. I think it was H.W. Bush that coined the expression, “…the family of nations.” 

Sanctions are a completely different issue and concept than tariffs and customs duties in that it involves a different type of stability. Sanctions are national security apparatus that act as the second cog of the mechanism of peaceful economic trade. AGGRESSIVE acts against economic infrastructure such as shipping and peaceful use of nuclear power must be upheld and recognized as an important part of the WTO mission and by-laws.

I sincerely believe Trump’s nastiness is based in racism. It is part of his superiority complex. He dresses himself with aggression when in fact he has to answer to the USA Congress and people. Whatever power Trump has to dismantle the federal government is still governed by the Congress and courts. Trump’s idea of dictatorial powers is ultimately stemmed by the checks and balances of the USA Constitution. With that said, it is vital the WTO continue its steadfast purpose.