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I was going to write an entry on January 20, 2025, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day; but, I may as state it now.
January 20th is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and should be observed by anyone with a conscience, especially since the inauguration is a bigot and racist.
It is my opinion if you believe in God, as Martin Luther King, Jr. did, it is very plain to see what God had planned and Satan succeeded in carrying out. This January 20th is a stark reminder of the hate exhibited by the supporters of Trump. Trump is a convicted criminal. His non-profit has been dissolved, because of nefarious activity, and he carried out a conspiracy to dismantle the USA Constitution. The man being inaugurated will never live up to the oath of office. He didn’t live up to the first one.
The ONLY reason Trump was elected to a second term was because of a wannabe Trillionaire with an ego so big even he can’t satisfy it. Trump was elected by a majority of dollar bills that never cast a vote, but, manipulated a campaign of lies, deceit, and votes bought for a million dollars a day.
I stand with Michelle Obama and the observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day on January 20, 2025. It is the right and moral thing to do.