Saturday, November 16, 2024

These deaths occurred after RFK, Jr. passed his rhetoric on to the citizens there.

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Why hasn’t Samoa held both these horrid people responsible for thousands of deaths?

RFK, Jr. may not have directly spoken to the people of Samoa, he did the absolute worse thing, assigned a citizen as his representative that launched an experiment in the worthiness of the measles vaccine. He is more deadly than the woman he empowered. 

The World Court awaits.

I am curious though as to which company manufactured the vaccine and any stock fluctuations at the time RFK, Jr. pulled this stunt.

The World Health Organization regularly reviews global disease and issues announcements of successful eradication of disease. The global community needs to adhere strictly to the WHO guidelines. Trump and his bunch are capable of great tragedy.

The WHO does not think twice of confronting the USA with the truth. During the pandemic of COVID-19 the WHO announced the number  of cases, and deaths in easily understood graphics. 

The WHO has been a reliable source of information since its inception.

It is rather amazing how naive people revert to superstition when presented with Free World generosity to scale back or eradicate disease. Superstition, even in the form of religion creates a sense of security if they are long held beliefs. 

If I may use fiction as an illustration?

Ever watch the movie “Apocalypse Now?” There is a scene in the picture where Marlon Brando admires the tenacity of natives that removed vaccines from their children in the only method possible. That scene illustrates how naive people unfamiliar with Louie Pasteur’s finding seek to return to what they know when morally challenged. 

When the Free World steps in to improve the quality of life for others there sometimes a need for education. An example of that are the flyers and humanitarian air drops to the people of Afghanistan before Americans parachuted in. There is a picture of a GI riding a donkey provided by an Afghan man who read the flyer.

So, when someone from the Free World arrives to validate fears of vaccines there is a dynamic of change that occurs. A paradigm shift of power. That power shift occurred when RFK, Jr. landed in Samoa. The question is why, and what did he get out of it even if it was just for sport? It is called motive.
