It is Iran most responsible for the terrorist networks that are the soldiers on the front lines of Iranian hatred of global religions other than its own. It is Iran that must participate in peace talks and a pledge to end terrorist networks. Until Iran comes to the table its hatred will never be understood.
Iran must end it’s global march with terrorists doing it’s bidding.
Today, Iran has seized a ship in the Straits of Hormuz stating it can shut down the entire waterway. That is an act of war. Now, is every ship going to need a military escort in the Straits?
There are two sides of these tensions already established: the allied powers and the axis powers. Iran sent drones to Russia for one reason only and that was to ensure Russia would carry out power against allied powers that itself cannot achieve. Along with Russia comes China. I think Iran has set up the world for WW III. I mean honestly are other countries going to go along with Iranian hatred? To what end?
The communists love capitalism. Will the communists, including North Korea, actually take on the mantle of Iranian religious hatred as a reason to destroy their own countries and people? That is what war is, an invitation to harm one’s own land and people for the sake of what exactly? Hatred? Hatred is a reason for war? I thought aggression, like Hamas carried out, was a reason for war.
A war can end aggression, but, it will never end hate.
In a sincere understanding of national security, one power cannot control the world. Iran has wayward understandings of the power of a sovereign.
I might add USA intelligence is spot on. President Biden was calling out Russia’s plans to invade Ukraine while all others denied it would ever happen.