This is an example of where communists laugh at the Free World. Informing an enemy of potential attacks is considered a weakness by the communists. The Free World needs to find a way to notify the people in these communist regimes rather than the dictators.
Korasan is a region with similar characteristics as the Kurds. The Korasan region expands into three countries.
The Islamic State (Deash) in Korasan (click here). The presence in this region of ISIS is surviving no different than Al Qaeda. It is a distant region with lots and lots of problems, but, it is further north with what they probably believe is a better climate. If the radicals on the planet need land to live this region is probably as good a place as any.
The point is the Free World knew of this attack. Russia CHOSE to ignore it. The USA stayed in the mix enough to maintain ongoing knowledge of such activities. The American people have every reason to feel proud of their military. They got this.
Ever wonder why countries and regions like this just can’t seem to come to terms with power grabs like these terrorists? Their religion is not serving them well. Murder and suicide are not sanctioned by God. They don’t, “get it?”
ISIS is not a sophisticated group as they like to pretend. Their religious intolerance is a problem to establishing a stable, benevolent, and sovereign country. Their hate consumes them. They will never be more than a third world country/ region.