The U.S.A. Republicans have passed a new milestone using a majority of their members to use impeachment as a political tool.
Homeland Security was created as a Presidential Cabinet position by Former President George W. Bush after devastating terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. It was created to incorporate the knowledge and expertise of USA agencies to end any danger domestically to the American people by terrorists globally. Now, the small majority of extremists in the U.S. House have acted in defiance of the U.S. Constitution in an act of political anarchy and impeached a perfectly qualified Secretary of Homeland Security. This political act is a violation of the USA National Security.
The American people need to realize how their security domestically is being trivialized by US House Republicans for politics. This is more of the trivialized national security agenda of the Firmer Trump Administration who is now directing an entire political party. One man is demanding undying leadership of an wntire political party in the uSA. One man. The Republicans are not governing by consensus, but, through illegitimate autocracy.
The USA is not going to be a militarized southern border to the USA because it would open this country to a border war that would be backed by communists like Russia and China and terrorists like Hezbollah out of Venezuela. The answer to mass migration out of the Northern Triad is to strength their economies, defeat drug cartels and allow the people domestic peace within their sovereign borders.
We take the fight to them. We don’t allow the instability to come to us. A huge player in mass migration globally is the climate crisis and the trivial Republicans don’t even recognize it.
The USA lost control of its southern border under Trump. Militarizing it is not the answer. A strong conversation has to begin in recognizing the problem, the migrating people, the problems they may cause and the labor answer they also bring in their willingness to work. The answer domestically is peace and strength within our borders, not bringing war to our sovereign bidets.
Trump and his minions are crazy and weak in their ability to solve problems . Their approach defies peace and welcomes chaos and violence. The domestic gun issue is a direct result of very poor domestic policy of right wing political extremists.
The people spoke in 2020. That voice was for governance and not violence!