Monday, September 05, 2022

Trump declassified documents.

The classification process in the White House or any branch of government of anything or any document, electronic or otherwise is a process. Declassification is also a process. Trump had no right as president or former president to declassify any document he wanted.

Trump has clearly demonstrated why any aspect of national security has redundancy. 

Obama wrote an executive order about all of it. I do believe there was some legislation passed regarding it as well. I think the legislation was a Republican bill. It all started because of the political wrangling surrounding the Clinton server and emails.

No national security issue is decided unilaterally. Trump is lying and his base is just as deranged in their thinking about everything and everyone. Everything in the government before Trump was “up to something.” Trump is a nut case.

He plays to his estranged American audience.

So. There are rules regarding the stolen documents and we know what the rules are.

If there ever is any doubt Trump was leading an insurgency look to the Queen of England. Remember how Queen Elizabeth and Trump were reviewing the troops? Trump stepped out of line to walk ahead of the Queen. None of Trump’s behaviors made sense “in context,” but, put an audience of one in the circumstances and it all makes sense. Trump insulted Queen Elizabeth to impress Putin. Putin was Trump’s only audience, go ahead America drink bleach.