…cam Russia still claim sovereignty?
We saw young men leave for Canada during Vietnam, but, what percentage of US military was left to defend the country?
The problem with Putin’s war is that it is destroying two countries at once. His invasion into Ukraine was based in tank dominance. That didn’t happen and a large number of the men in those tanks died because it was a tinderbox once ignited by a armor penetrating middle.
This strategy worked in Syria because the opposing forces were not armed to defeat Russian tanks. Syria was destroyed in many places, including hospitals.
Russia’s conventional military is weak. When realizing the conventional military is weak, what is left is Putin and missiles. Not much else.
The nuclear power plants are estimated to be used as shields to prevent attack.
It sounds right. Nothing else makes sense. So, Putin sees two footholds in Ukraine at the nuclear power plants. Putin is treating the plants as forts. These facilities are not built to be forts. Putin has lost the war and the only thing allowing those soldiers at the plant to stay is the delicacy of the circumstances.
Soldiers at nuclear power plants are another human rights violation as it threatens the lives of so many including any accidental release into the atmosphere to be carried by wind anywhere.
Is there actually a Russia? It is disappearing everyday. The land is there. Some of the people remain including the ruling elite, but, other than an ocean naval fleet Russia has no military to defend its borders.
There is Putin. There are missiles. Global Russian assets are being absorbed by foreign governments to assist Ukraine in it’s need for humanitarian aid as well as a national defense.
So, realistically is there a Russia. In my opinion, no. In name only. Putin counted on its propaganda and nothing of substance.
Putin’s anger with the world is destroying Russia from the inside and Ukraine from the outside.
So, what to do?
Wait it out until Putin realizes he is the leader of an emptied country except for the remnants of communism. Global leaders, including Xi of China, need to realistically assess any possibility of a victory and refuse assistance to prolong the end.
No power, including Ukraine, wants to invade Russia and kill Russians. Russia needs to stop and first turn over the nuclear power plants. Those reactors are neutral zones and no soldiers belong there. The soldiers there, are hiding from reality as is there president.