Tuesday, August 02, 2022

"I am not a witch."

The Republicans running as right extremists and willing to falsify the election process in the USA are not Republicans. I think the Republican Party is dead. The current candidates running under the Republican montra are actually the Chrisitan Nationalist Party. They are opportunists.

The Republican Party was obviously bizarre by the people it attracts more than a decade ago. The 2010 elections was further deterioration of real governance. Republicans like Snyder were elected in a wave because of the passage of the Affordable Health Plan. Yet, today, the ACA is one of the most treasured legislations ever to pass into American life.

October 5, 2010
By David Gura

In a new ad, (click here) Christine O'Donnell responds to a clip of her, from Oct. 29, 1999, on Bill Maher's Politically Incorrect, that has resurfaced since she won the Delaware Republican primary:

I'm not a witch. I'm nothing you've heard. I'm you.

None of us are perfect, but none of us can be happy with what we see all around us: politicians who think spending, trading favors and back-room deals are the ways to stay in office. I'll go to Washington and do what you'd do.

I'm Christine O'Donnell, and I approve this message. I'm you....

The deterioration of the major party has been stunning. They are nothing more than liars. So, they now have a man that is the liar of all liars leading them by the nose. The people that vote for them are gullible.

August 1, 2022
By Stephanie Raymond

...Finchem, (click here) a retired Michigan police officer and longtime member of the Oath Keepers far-right militia group, was at the Capitol on Jan. 6 and contends Trump lost Arizona because of rampant fraud, the Associated Press reported. He also introduced a resolution to decertify Joe Biden's election win in Arizona....

Finchem probably moved to Arizona because it is cheaper there after he retired in Michigan. He isn't happy with a regular retirement and now wants to suppliment it by running for office. So, he is a model for all the right wing extremists. They want a job with benefits so they say and do anything to meet their goals. Additional retirement funds are nice, too.

Trump has created a following that approve of his lies and misdirection of authority. Why would any American misdirect their loyalties to Russia? Why would Plutocrats see submitting to communists as their best bet to profits? It doesn't matter if a candidate is competent in governance, they simply have to do what Trump says they have to do. It is an obvious strategy as the current Republicans in office perform exactly to that standard.

It is that standard that is facing veterans to recieve their justly important benefits. The Republicans are stalling until the US Senate is dismissed for the summer. Majority Senate Leader Chuck Shumer must commit to remain in session until the bill passes and working through whatever objections are being held as a reason to not vote. The hubris within the Repulblicans in the Senate is obvious. High five, fist pump. They want to be obstructionists as they mimic Moscow Mitch and are elated every time they do.

The Republican candidates are mostly not capable of making vote decisions on their own. They simply fall in line to the party line vote. That is not governance, that is politics that cater to an ideology and/or cronies.

Christian Nationalists Party do not have a spiritual leader, hence, the Shaman that rose to prominance in the January 6th movment. They are anarchists that live by the gun. They have no real commitment to governance and making the United States of America the best possible country it could be. Realizing the Christian Nationalist Party has no mainstream religious or spiritual leader the only sincere ideology is "Every man for himself." Sure, they travel in groups, but, they don't think that way. They don't recognize where a democracy is strong as opposed to a dictatorship. They don't want to think about it. They have assigned success looks like Trump, hence, follow the leader.

The only rules the Christian Nationalists obey is the rules of capitalism and not even healthy captialism.  So, the anarchists want only the rules of the market place to handle governance. They move as one to end the governance of the USA only to replace it with nothing except a draconian market place.


These faux Republican candidates are insurgents. Any entity, company, or persons donating to them to promote the assault on the USA Democracy is providing AID AND COMFORT TO THE ENEMY. Masquerading because they deceive the public by declaring they are Republicans is not allowed.