Wednesday, July 20, 2022

The average American family..

Utah (click here) has the highest number of children in their families. Here's the average number of kids per family in every state.

…has an average of one or two children with women beginning a family at a later age.

When the Pope visited the United States he stated the cost of living then required a higher education and significant savings to live in a home. He started it wasn’t a good society for the financial burden young people carried in order to legitimize their relationships. He later criticized the USA for prizing pets over children.

If the Radicalized Supreme Court will change those trends by making money a citizen, ridding citizens of voting rights, and removing reproductive rights, they are very wrong. 

The American family will sterilize before having large families. There are real wellness issues when having more than two children. 

Unionization and good wages will encourage larger families. Forcing Americans into the working poor is good for Wall Street profits not more children.

In 2015, the documentarian Michael Moore showed Americans how allies live including no tuition higher education. It is not to late to embrace and value quality of life.