...there is a good reason to believe they are preparing to use illegal weapons or worse. There is absolutely no reason to believe Putin. He carried out an invasion in what seems an impulse of his own desires and fears.
NATO needs to prepare for the worst case scenario.
China and North Korea need to be evaluated for aggression as Russia carries out war with Ukraine. Both those countries as well as Iran have proven to be interested parties in Russia's war.
I think assessments of Venezuela would be prudent.
NATO isn't policing their own members. Orban is beginning propaganda stating Ukraine is interfering in it's elections. Why does NATO allow such propaganda? Either validate it or discipline it. Orban is a member of NATO, but, he is also in Putin's back pocket. There is no reason to trust the liars in the world and Orban is one of them.
29 March 2022By Stephen Pogany
...Hungary’s long-serving ‘strongman’, (click here) Viktor Orbán, has dominated his country’s politics since 2010. According to Mary Kaldor, Orbán and Putin—as with Narendra Modi in India and Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil—expertly combine crony capitalism, ethnic nationalism and authoritarianism.
Orbán, who quickly established cordial relations with Putin after returning to office (he was previously prime minister between 1998 and 2002), has bestowed lavish patronage on relatives, friends and a clutch of compliant oligarchs. He has also expended considerable time and effort stoking the fires of ethnic nationalism, warning his countrymen of the supposed threat to Hungary and its ‘Christian culture’ from Muslim migrants, international financiers (ie Jews) and members of ‘deviant’ sexual minorities. The strategy proved effective in bolstering support for Fidesz, particularly in the provinces and among the less educated, as well as among members of ethnic Hungarian minorities in neighbouring states (many hold Hungarian citizenship and vote in Hungarian elections)....