Thursday, March 10, 2022


I have received word that a Scottish man has been killed in Ukraine. How many of the dead are foreign nationals? Will we ever know? Are some in mass graves? This widow has her husband coming back to her for a proper funeral. At the very least, NATO has a right to be involved. Obviously, NATO beiieves their distancing from the war in Ukraine will satisfy Putin to prevent a greater war. There should be a descriptor that goes along with that idea, "...for now."

The lies keep mounting. Russia has a long history of never acting to end the Syrian attacks on civilians either, be they hospitals or barrel bombs of chlorine. Here again, if those attacks are by militias, they belong to the insurgents of the civil war in the east. Putin has no control over his allies. That is an excuse since he is arming them.

Ukraine said three civilians died (click here) after Russia bombed a maternity hospital in Mariupol on Wednesday.

Russia's foreign minister said Thursday, without giving evidence, that it was occupied by Ukrainian militia.

Multiple images showed bloodied civilians being rescued from the wreckage.