Sunday, March 20, 2022

Civilians are not the easiest people to motivate to leave. In the USA when the authorities tell the people in the path of a very bad storm to take shelter, regardless of all the information before them, they don't always leave. Some end up dying. This is not as unusal a paradigm as one might think.

They have strong ties to their homes where they feel safe and secure. From the pictures and videos I saw from my laptop the ones with the most incentive to leave are mothers with children. For as much as they love their husbands and want to stay, they recognize the tiny lives in from of them and realize they are the only answer to their survival.

Any civilian that leaves can understand as soon as it is safe they can return. Obviously there is no way of knowing how long it is going to take to move the Russian people to stop their president from killing, but, civilians only have to understand simply that they are safer elsewhere.

March 20, 2022
By Mason Bissada

The Russian Defense Ministry (click here) demanded Ukraine surrender the besieged city of Mariupol on Sunday, stating Ukrainian forces have until 5 a.m. Moscow time Monday (10 p.m. ET Sunday) to lay down arms, after which Russian forces will allow civilians to leave the war-torn city, according to multiple reports based on a Russian state-run news outlet’s release....

This is an excellent opportunity for the civilians to leave Mariupol. Let's hope the brief ceasefire is honored. The Russians don't have to call it a ceasefire, it is and it is a good time for them to leave.

If the shelling by Russia continues without a chance for the people to leave, then the people are being used as hostages to a certain outcome for Putin. Putin cannot win militarily, so he is using the threat of death to empty Ukraine. Putin should be allowing humanitarian corridors no matter the military plans. But, if the people cannot leave until surrender, then this is a strategy to have Ukraine surrender. The killing of civilians is purposeful to Putin's desired outcome. 

Surrender or die.

Innocent people defenseless against Russian missiles and children are manipulated to achieve surrender. Putin has completely dehumanized the people of Ukraine to use them as pawns.

Ukraine bomb squads need parameters for bomb removal. No one should be in that house or apartment anyway.

A Ukrainian found an unexploded missile in his kitchen and the bomb squad was not delicate with it.