It is such a magnificent reflection of a man that survived World War II as a soldier and found peace living in the USA.
This is the year 2022. World War II ended in 1945. The peace it was supposed to bring somehow got lost in power struggles where people suffer and lose their lives.
How many more generations of human beings will have to endure the pain and suffering of others divided in a world where human life is not upheld as the pinnacle of each and every government on Earth? When will the power clashes stop and the world finally find an enduring peace where problems are confronted and competency in leadership is secure election after election?
I was born to a Korean War Veteran. Four years of his life was spent on the Korean peninsula. He expected all his life to have the end of that conflict result in peace on the Korean peninsula. When Americans go to war it is supposed to have a purpose to bring about the end of war, not continue it indefinitely.
The USA is not the great evil although as a scientist involved in climate, I expect far more of my government than it delivers all because one political party is somehow umbilicaled to the petroleum industry. Not even the car industry which is moving on to produce electric cars, but a petroleum industry that never receives a wake up call to the damage it does to my planet. Yes, my planet. I am going to start listing Earth on my return address on every envelope I send. Below the city and state and zip code I am going to put USA, Earth. It is where I live.
But, war always seems so easy to get into and peace so difficult to permanently commit to and turn to economic stability and growth. The war economy is a human rights abuse, especially when it has no end.
Russia is wrong in all it is doing. Russia's Putin wants the propaganda to win the day and maintain his ideology as the only ruling understanding of the people. There are many populations of people in Russia that do not adher to the propaganda and fight for the freedom of fair elections to bring about competent leadership that no longer embraces Russia's nuclear capacity and seeks peace with all countries.
Eugene Polinsky is an example of the direction any war should seek to take. An end to violence and a turn to economic growth and prosperity. He is a hero. He lived a magnificent life after surviving one of the most deadly wars in Earth history. It is time for the memory of Eugene Polinsky to be honored along with all the men and women that died during WWII to bring a lasting peace to Earth and an end to war and killing. They expect that. That is not an unreasonable expectation. Soldiers expect that their sacrifice means something. Their loyalty to the fight is based in a clear understanding there is something worth fighting for to bring peace.
Ukraine deserves peace as a country seeking to be neutral in all it's dealings to promote a strong economy for the well being of it's people. It is time to end this hideous idea of war.
Mr. Polinsky was celebrated at Rutgers' University in New Jersey, USA, Earth (click here).