Thursday, January 13, 2022

Cancer deaths are down in the USA.

Twice I beat a cancer and it was solely early detection and the best decision making going forward. The doctors had alternatives, but, I always chose the one with the best odds. 

For women, if they are facing a cancer or a neoplasm of their uterus, they need to consider a complete hysterectomy and not a partial. Partial hysterectomies leave the cervix and a woman is left wide open for a hormone sentitive cervical cancer that will absolutely mastisize. It is not good.

Total hysterectomies are not the end of the world. Good skin care, regular exercise and a healthy diet can be just as healthy and wonderful.

January 12, 2022
By Claire Thorton

A new report says 3.5 million cancer deaths (click here) have been prevented in recent decades, thanks to declines in smoking, advances in treatments and improved early detection.

But the cancer statistics paper published Wednesday, a companion to the American Cancer Society's 2022 annual report, cautions pandemic-related impacts to cancer detection and treatment aren't yet known. The scientific paper also calls out racial disparities in cancer rates that have long persisted.

The report says cancer diagnoses and treatments were adversely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, as access to health care was limited for many Americans. But data to quantify the problem won't be available for years. 

“We are all ... anxious about what this report is going to look like … in February 2024," said Dr. Deb Schrag, the Department of Medicine Chair at New York's Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center....

Perhaps, COVID testing sites can be linked with cancer awareness education and referrals to those that have not had their regular FREE preventive annual exam.

Health professionals should take every opportunity to keep America healthy. A little general wellness education at the testing site is a good reminder.

Racial disparities are simply not allowed. There needs to be an anthropegenic study to find out what it is about the culture and lifestyles of some Americans that do not stress annual check-ups and preventive measures.

President Biden could probably task this to HHS with some funding for independent evaluators and consultants. We need to do something in the regulations that seek out racial issues and bring those Americans in to the understanding about health and preventive measures.