Thursday, January 13, 2022

People are incapable of governance if their first allegiance is to Wall Street.

Sens. Kyrsten Sinema (click here) and Joe Manchin III, both Democrats who oppose altering the filibuster, take an elevator to the Senate chamber in September. 

That is the case of the Republicans, Joe Manchin and Krysten Sinema. Sinema stated she does not see the path to passing legislation she approves of and wants to see into law. Sometimes people see the world differently.

I think what might be at play with Sinema is the problem we now witness with the Supreme Court. The Democrats could not get judges approved in the US Senate during the Obama era. The rules for a 60 vote demand was changed. Then when Trump/Russia was elected, the Republicans had a field day with Supreme Court judges like Kavanaugh. I think she may be skeptical of changing the filibuster realizing it could come back to cause problems for Democrats yet again.

There isn't anything preventing the Republicans from passing their own voting reform if they take a majority in 2022. So, why do this only to have it destroyed next term of the US House?

What Democrats need to ask is why aren't there Republicans that want to secure the US Constitution and preserve voting rights in every state of the United States. 

Perhaps that is the election issue Democrats need to pursue. What is the problem with incumbant Republicans in preserving "The Vote?"

Democrats need to keep their seats in the US House and Senate. Next term may be the charm. They should add one or two Senate seats and it will be done, hopefully.

In the meantime, the DNC needs to get on top of the voting changes in the states and end the vicious rules that inhibit free access to the voting booth.

Class 3 senators were last elected in 2016, and will be up for election again in 2022.
All 34 Class 3 Senate seats are up for election in 2022
Class 3 currently consists of 14 Democrats and 20 Republicans.
The time to defeat Republicans and maintain Democrats is now. In the US House some voting districts are changing and some now favor Democrats. This is a race the Democrats have to win and there are plenty of reasons as to why, including the Child Tax Credit.