Wednesday, October 13, 2021

This happens in that region of the world once in a while.

My sincerest sympathies to the Norwegian people. I know the country must be in shock. The number of people killed in violence happens everyday in the USA and by gun usually.

October 12, 2021
By Henrik Pryser Libell

Kongsberg is a beautiful town. They don't deserve this trauma.

Oslo - A man armed with a bow and arrow (click here) went on a rampage in a Norwegian town outside Oslo on Wednesday, killing five people and wounding two others, the authorities said.

The attack took place in Kongsberg, a town of 26,000 people about 50 miles southwest of Oslo. A suspect was reported to be in custody.

“The information we now have, this person carried out these actions alone,” the police chief, Oyvind Aas, told reporters.

The attack began shortly after 6 p.m., when the assailant began making his way through the center of the town. Residents were urged to seek shelter inside. A half-hour later, a suspect was in custody, the police said....