Monday, December 20, 2021

What the heck?


...1,500 soldiers (click here) of the Operational Group of Russian Forces in Transnistria (OGRF) are based at the decommissioned Soviet-era ammunition depot at Cobasna, in the unrecognised breakaway state of Transnistria. Located just 2km from the Ukrainian border, this depot is the largest in Eastern Europe with around 22,000 tons of military equipment guarded by the Russian troops. Russophile Transnistria had long been a point of cooperation between Russia and Ukraine, who serve as two of the mediators in the international effort to find a peaceful resolution to its separatism. Now, however, it has the potential to open a fourth front in the looming conflict feared by many observers and civilians....

This cannot be tolerated. These are methods of the old and failed Soviet Union. The occupied land needs to dismantled and returned to sovereign countries. THIS IS AN ILLEGAL OCCUPATION BY THE RUSSIANS. After the failure of the Soviet Union, Putin looked around to preserve mlitary sites whereby Russia could keep munitions and soldiers to assault Europe. This is one of those sites. Basically, Ukraine is surrounded by Russian troops and munitions. The current Ukraine military is not up to the challenge, but, if Russia is going to resist it's occupation of these lands that don't belong to them, then there is going to be conflict. Ukraine is being wittled away at to lessen it's strength and promote invasion.

...called on Russia to “urgently formulate a proposal for resumption of the process of removal and destruction of ammunition from the Cobasna site.”... 

There is nothing new here. Russia is simply the Soviet Union with a smaller foot print. These are all failed Soviet tactics. These soldiers are not protecting Russian sovereign lands. They are deployed to harass Ukraine and prepare for a multi-front war to end the sovereign country of Ukraine. That priority is a direct threat to Europe.

...Chisinau has argued that because Transnistria is internationally recognised as Moldovan territory, the presence of Russian troops there against its political will undermines Moldovan territorial sovereignty. Russia contends that the remaining OGRF troops serve as peacekeepers, authorized by the 1992 ceasefire and will remain until the conflict is resolved....

In 1992, Russia wasn't a threat and their peacekeeping was welcome. Enough of this mess with Russia already. Russia is NOT a reliable peace partner anywhere.

Perhaps the United Nations needs to remove Russia as a country willing to provide peacekeepers. These Russian troops need to leave as they have been completely unable to secure the peace for the region. The West needs to formulate deployments into these Russian occupied areas to bring real peace and not just a faux face of Ukraine invasion plans.