Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Latex allergy.

This is a random label to illustrate the point.

The labeling in some clothing, often in less expensive stores, is placed by stamping the letters onto the clothing. Folks with latex allergies are being treated with Triamcinolone Acetonide ointment or cream. That is not good. I am glad they have a medication to treat the choronic problem, but, to be exposed to it in the first place is dangerous.

The FDA should examine the stamped in lettering used in some clothing to determine if there should also be a warning label that the garment and/or it's label contains latex. Currently there are about 1 percent of Americans with a latex allergy.

Allergies of any kind can cause more than a dermititis. They can cause a deadly reaction called anaphylaxis. We need to be aware of such dangers and warn against them. 

The manufacturers are always welcome to return to using removal label tags in their clothing. 

Thank you.