Sunday, November 21, 2021

Alternative energies are absolutely carbon zero without dangers of any kind.

Nuclear power is a form of energy with high costs to safety. For cities and counties in the USA looking for answers should put nuclear at the bottom of the choices, but, above any use of fossil fuels, includig methane. Nuclear is not as expeditious as alternative energies. Nuclear has many years of planning and it not quickly built. So, the idea nuclear is better because it can be a quick answer is not the case.

I am glad the IAEA was at COP26 as it shows a sincere concern for the climate and the role nuclear energy could have to end the fossil fuel emissions. The IAEA needs to develop a protocol for establishing nuclear energy across the globe that will also provide for high levels of safety. Russia is a prime example of the gross mismanagement of nuclear energy and other forms of nuclear radiation. The folks in Russia don't have good science or practices surrounding this dangerous form of fuel.

Interested participants (click here) have until 30 November 2021 to submit synopses for a presentation at the fifth International Conference on Nuclear Power Plant Life Management, to be held in Osaka, Japan from 16-19 May 2022....