Sunday, October 10, 2021

President Biden needs to continue to push the Congress to pass these bills.

Big Oil and Coal want to defeat these bills and force Congress to end the 51 vote requirement for reconciliation. This is all big money pushing the end to the climate agenda that is more important than clashes with China in the high seas. It would be interesting to have the US Navy actually admit there are issues at sea with climate.

But, these bills should not fail. They need to be passed becuase President Biden needs this to bring home the message the USA is ON BOARD with climate mitigation. This is the last time Big Oil and Coal can bring about an agenda of sustained petroleum use on a broad scale such as the USA economy. The coal and oil industries cannot win this fight. The US Congress must pass these bills for the absolute best interest of the USA and it's people. This is not a matter of politics, it is life and death for many. The USA has lost lives to the climate crisis. We cannot let those lives go unnoticed and we must act to end this ravage of this planet.

The car companies are already on board with new EVs and I am completely proud of them. They cannot fail. We must also address mass transit and secure a place in movement for all Americans. This is not a "Wish List." These bills are long overdue. LONG OVERDUE. They cost more today because they have been delayed by a corrupt affiliation between Congress and the money oil and coal wave in their faces for big money elections. All that corruption must end.

2030 is not far away. In more than two months 2022 will be here. It only seems like yesterday we were saying we have 11 years to "get this right." Now, we are down to eight AND MUST MOVE FORWARD. 

October 10, 2021
By Brad Plumer and Winston Choi-Schagrin

President Biden (click here) has framed this moment as the country’s best chance to save the planet.

“The nation and the world are in peril,” he said weeks ago in Queens, where 11 people drowned in their basement apartments after floodwaters from Hurricane Ida devastated communities from Louisiana to New York. “And that’s not hyperbole. That is a fact. They’ve been warning us the extreme weather would get more extreme over the decade, and we’re living in it real time now.”

Mr. Biden’s plan to try to fortify the United States against extreme weather — and cut the carbon dioxide emissions that are heating the Earth and fueling disasters — is embedded in two pieces of legislation pending on Capitol Hill. The future of both bills remains in question, with tension between moderate and progressive Democrats over the size and scope of many details....